A Prayer on the Inauguration

A Prayer on the Inauguration


Heavenly Father, thank you for this new day.  Thank you for your love and care for your children, and thank you that your grace is new each and every day. 


Thank you for your son, Jesus Christ, the Savior of sinners, and the King of Kings. 


Thank you for your Holy Spirit who encourages, rebukes, sustains, and comforts.


Father, on this day, our country inaugurates a new president.  We say thank you that Romans 13 teaches us that you establish our government authorities.  Throughout the centuries, no matter who has been in authority, and no matter the circumstances around their rise and fall to power, we trust your sovereign hand has, is, and will always be, at work. 


In knowing that, we pray for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to guide and direct President Biden, just as we did for President Trump and the presidents before them. 


We pray for both mercy and justice in our country, asking you, in your wisdom, to direct both to those in need.  May this country and your people be your instruments of mercy and justice.


We pray that you would protect us from making idols out of our leaders, both past and present.


We pray that the church would be the voice for those who suffer in silence and that our voice would be synonymous with your character, never being swayed by the passions of either the days or the masses.


And finally, we pray for peace, and not a cheap peace that comes when people agree not to talk to each other.  We pray for a peace that comes from mutual respect, even when we disagree.  Teach us to strive with each other while considering others better than ourselves.


Father, forgive us when we have called evil good, and protect us from ever doing so in the future. 


We ask all of this, as you have instructed us to, in Jesus’ name.




Gordon Duncan


Text: (540) 696-5410 


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