Take the Discipleship Advice You Give Your Congregation

My ministry life is marked by a series of coaches and mentors.


My father was a minister and guided me well in the faith.

My college minister taught me what faith as an adult looked like.

My father-in-law was also a minister and moved me into a deeper faith.

Terry, my mentor, challenged me to follow God’s call into church planting.

A different Terry became my coach and taught me how to find rest in ministry.

And now my mentor, Dom, is teaching me maturity past 50.


I would not be anywhere near the man I am now without these friends, coaches, and mentors. 


Some of them invested in me for free, while others were paid.  Either way, survival as a minister was only possible because of them.


The challenge most pastors share with me about coaching is that they can’t afford it.  Lots of churches won’t pay for coaching, and many pastors are barely making it as it is. 


With that, Church Training Partners is offering a program that is affordable and practical.


For the first quarter of 2022, we are offering three months of two-session a month coaching for $269.  These sessions are custom designed and built to meet your needs.  Just reply to this email, and we will set up a free phone call to see if this would meet your needs.


Don’t go without a coach when you know you need one.  We would love to be that coach.


Gordon Duncan

Church Training Partners





Real Evangelism for the Real World


An Easy to Implement Leadership Training and Organizational System for Pastors