What Kind of Church Leader Are You?

John Maxwell is famous for saying that everything rises and falls on leadership. 


The question is, “What kind of leader are you?” The magazine “Fast Company” suggested there are 6 types of leaders.[i] 


There is the…


Pacesetter leader. Their leadership style says, “Do as I do, now.”

Authoritative leader. Their leadership style says, “Come with me, now.”

Affiliative leader. Their style says, “People always come first.”

Coaching leader. Their style says, “Try this.”

Coercive leader. Their style says, “Do what I tell you.”

Democratic leader. Their style says, “What do you think?”


So, with that, what approach should we take?


The article recommended this: “Bottom line? If you take two cups of authoritative leadership, one cup of democratic, coaching, and affiliative leadership, and a dash of pacesetting and coercive leadership "to taste," and you lead based on need in a way that elevates and inspires your team, you’ve got an excellent recipe for long-term leadership success with every team in your life.”

Hopefully, this helps.


Gordon Duncan



Pastoral Coaching





[i] https://www.fastcompany.com/1838481/6-leadership-styles-and-when-you-should-use-them



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