Pastors Need Pastors

Christians need to be discipled.

Coaches need coaches.

Pastors need pastors.


Church Training Partners wants to help.


We have a combined 50+ years in ministry and over 20 years of coaching experience.  Additionally, we are also certified John C Maxwell Leadership coaches so our programs are structured and organized. 


CTP offers one-on-one coaching that includes two one-hour phone/Zoom calls each month. These calls are custom designed toward each pastor’s needs and are 100% confidential. Our programs also give each pastor access to the wisdom of all of our coaches, so if there is a need or a question that your coach can’t meet or answer, he will collaborate with our team to help you in the best way possible.


Our coaching programs cost $269 a month and are available in 1, 2, 3, & 6-month intervals. If you are interested, you can sign up at


Also, just email me at or call 919-412-8161 if you have any questions.  Your first call is always free.


Don’t do ministry alone. These days are just too unpredictable.


TE Gordon Duncan



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