Should Churches Be a Part of Networking Groups?

Should churches and pastors be a part of business networking groups?

Lots of Chamber of Commerce and Networking groups allow and even welcome churches and non-profits.  Yet, not many churches take part.


After being a part of networking groups for over 15 years, I can count on two hands the number of churches/pastors that have joined.  I’ve seen plenty of non-profits but few churches.


Why is that?  I’ve learned from both interview and interaction a few objections:


Lack of time.
Unwise investment of time.

Ineffective evangelism. 


I’ve heard other explanations.  However, in my experience, there are some definite advantages of joining business networking groups.


Making the community aware of your church.

Creating relationships that can lead to sharing the Gospel.

Relatability to your members.


Understandably, many of these groups have a cost, but many are affordable.  If you are thinking about new ways to connect to the community, a business networking group is a great option.


Don't hesitate to call if I can encourage you.


Gordon Duncan





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